What is a Job Alert? A Job Alert is an email alerting you to new legal job
opportunities in your area of specialization and in the
location sought.
Why should I sign up? Job Alerts save you time by allowing you to see new and
relevant job opportunities in your email inbox instead of
trying to manually search for law jobs every day.
How do I sign up? In the form on the right of this page enter your name,
email address, area of expertise and location sought.
Add notes if you feel any further explanation is required.
How often will I receive a Job Alert? Job Alerts will be mailed based upon the availability of
jobs in your area of specialization and sought after
Is my personal information secure? Yes, absolutely. The only information we request is your
name, email address, specialization, experience level
and location. This information will not be given to third
parties under any circumstances.
Is there a fee associated with Job Alerts? No. Job Alerts are one of the many free services Juris
Recruitment offers to help you in your search for a more
rewarding legal job.
Can I change my chosenexpertise and/or location?
In order to modify your preferences, simply sign up for
Job Alerts again using the same email you previously
used and your updated location or expertise. Your
preferences will be updated before the next Job Alert is
Can I choose multiple areas of expertise? Yes, you can select as many areas of expertise as you
wish per email address.
Can I sign up for Job Alerts for more than one location?
Yes, you can select as many locations as you wish per
email address.
How do I unsubscribe? Click the "Unsubscribe" link found at the bottom of your
Job Alert e-mail.